Cover and Green Manure Crops

What is it?

Cover and green manure crop use is a management practice used to reduce soil erosion, promote nitrogen fixation between crop plantings, and infuse nutrients into the soil by using green manure to reduce the amount of fertilizer needed during and after crop planting. Cover crops are planted to provide temporary soil protection after crop harvesting and can include plants like grasses, lugumes (for nitrogen fixing), or some grains. Green manure crops are incorparated into the soil by plowing or tilling and provide needed soil nutrients like nitrogen.

Conservation Benefits

  • Reduces soil runoff off of the land and into streams
  • Reduces the amount of chemicals and fertilizer needed during the regular crop season

What does it include?

Cover crops are planted to provide temporary soil protection after crop harvesting and can include plants like grasses, lugumes (for nitrogen fixing), or some grains. Cover crops can also reduce the amount of weeds growing in the field.

Green manure crops are incorparated into the soil by plowing or tilling and provide needed soil nutrients like nitrogen. Green manure crops can also supress the amount of weeds that will grow in the field.

Cover and Green Manure Crops Links

Cover and Green Manure Crops Bibliography

  • Baggs and Rees. 2000. The fate of nitrogen from incorporated cover crop and green manure residues. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 56: 153-163.
  • Hartwig and Ammon. 2002. Cover crops and living mulches. Weed Science 50: 688-699.