
What is it?

Lunkers are open, wooden box structures designed to eventually be buried under the edge of streambanks to provide undercut bank habitat for fish and other aquatic organisms. In instances of small amounts of stream erosion, lunkers can also be used to secure the toe of the streambank.

Lunker Structure (diagram from NRCS)

Conservation Benefits

  • Provides instream habitat for fish and other aquatic organisms
  • Provides a minimal amount of erosion protection for streambanks

What does it include?

Lunkers are constructed from wood and resemble a short, sturdy crates typically around six feet in length and atleast a foot tall. Lunkers are installed at the edge of streambanks and then anchored to the bank. Structures should be installed so they remain underwater during low flow and should not be installed in areas of the stream prone to sediment deposition. Rock and sediment should be used to cover the structures and create a smooth transition and slope from the lunker to the streambank.

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Lunker Bibliography