TPWD Landowner Incentive Program

What is it?

The Texas Landowner Incentive Program (LIP) is a conservation and land stewardship grant program focused on supporting landowners wanting to protect and improve habitats on their property.

The Watershed section of LIP was recently developed to support watershed restoration and conservation efforts like the Texas Guadalupe Bass Restoration Iniative. The goal for watershed management at TPWD is to plan and implement a means of protecting and improving habitat quality and quantity as to provide environmentally and economically healthy watersheds that benefit the natural resources of the state. Funding to support the Guadalupe Bass Restoration Inititative is dedicated to protecting Guadalupe bass populations and their habitat by
developing networks of willing landowners interested in implementing coordinated
landscape conservation actions at watershed-scales. Conservation actions implemented by private landowners will promote functional riparian and stream
systems, and emphasize the conservation of native fish communities and supporting habitats. The networks will attempt to reduce or eliminate activities on the landscape that degrade water quality, reduce water quantity, degrade riparian systems, favor non-native species, or fragment stream systems, while encouraging a wide array of sustainable land-use activities that are compatible with aquatic resource conservation.

Conservation Benefits

  • Improving wildlife and fish habitat
  • Maintain healthy and riparian corridors
  • Protect water quality
  • Protecting or restoring riparian and upland areas

What does it include?

Interested landowners should contact their local TPWD office and speak with a biologist. Biologists will work with landowners to assess their property and discuss appropriate funding assistance sources. If LIP is a good fit for the property, the landowner and biologist will also work together to develop a plan and submit the application packet. The LIP program will contribute up to 75% of a project's total cost with the landowner contributing at least 25% (which can include materials or in-kind services). For more information about the program and funding information, please visit the LIP website .

TPWD Landowner Incentive Program Links