Chemical Storage and Disposal

What is it?

Proper chemical storage and disposal is important for agricultural, residential, and urban, and industrial areas. Properly containing chemicals will prevent leaks and spills that could contaminate surface and/or ground water resources or harm terrestrial and aquatic organisms. Proper disposal of chemicals and containers is also important to prevent similar contamination or harm.

Conservation Benefits

  • Protects surface and ground water from chemical contamination
  • Protects terrestrial and aquatic plants and wildlife from harmful chemicals

What does it include?

Depending on the chemical, there are several strategies that should be considered for proper chemical storage and disposal:

  • Read the chemical label for proper storage containers, time length, temperatures, humidity, etc.
  • Keep chemical containers inside of the house, garage, or shed. This will prevent the containers from rusting or being damaged by UV light which can cause leaks in the container.
  • Do not store chemicals near well openings. Chemical containers can leak or chemicals can be spilled and contaminate the groundwater.
  • Do not dispose of chemicals down the drain, in the yard, in storm drains, or caves and sink holes. Disposing of chemicals in this way can directly contaminate surface or ground water or harm plants and wildlife.
  • Take unwated or unused chemicals to a local collection program for proper disposal