Rainwater Harvesting

What is it?

Rainwater harvesting is a method of collecting rain and storing it for later use. Depending on how the rainwater is collected, it can be used as a drinking water supply, for landscape irrigation, for watering livestock or crops, or other non-potable uses. Rainwater harvesting alleviates rates of groundwater pumping, stream water withdrawls, and decreases stormwater runoff from properties.

Conservation Benefits

  • Decreases chemical and nutrient runoff from properties
  • Decreases erosion and sediment runoff into streams
  • Provides a source of water for irrigation without relying on groundwater pumping

What does it include?

Site planning is an important step for planning a rainwater collection system. Rainwater collection sites and systems should work with existing constructed buildings and property topography. Rainwater collection systems can be constructed out of different materials (like plastic or metal) and will vary in size depending on location and storage volume needs.