Low Flow Fixtures

What is it?

Installing low flow fixtures can substantially decrease the amount of water used on residential and commercial properties. Reducing water use through low flow fixtures is an important water conservation tool that reduces the amount of groundwater and surface water pumped. This increases the amount of water left in streams for instream habitat, recreational use, and provides more water for fish, wildlife, and riparian areas.

Conservation Benefits

  • Reduces surface and ground water pumping

What does it include?

Low flow fixtures can replace tradition water fixtures for residential and commerical properties. Some cities, counties, or states will offer free replacements or rebates to help with replacement costs. Low flow fixtures that can be installed include

  • irrigation systems
  • toilets and urinals
  • sinks and bathroom faucets
  • shower heads
  • tankless water heaters
  • dishwashers
  • clothes washers