Conservation Ordinances

What is it?

Riparian conservation ordinances are an important tool for protecting riparian areas. Ordinances can be implemented by homeowner associations, cities, or counties and should be developed with the assistance of technical experts. Ordinances can include measures to preserve riparian buffers, prevent or limit developement, or outline mitigation to damaged riparian areas.

Riparian setback

Riparian setback (diagram from Montana Audubon)

Conservation Benefits

  • Maintains riparian connectivity
  • Protects fish and wildlife habitat
  • Provides natural flood control
  • Promotes good land stewardship

What does it include?

Riparian conservation ordinances will vary by region and intended conservation goal. Technical experts should be consulted to fully assess biological, ecological, and hydrological processes for the watershed. Riparian ordinaces should maintain riparian connectivity, identify watershed appropriate buffer widths, and protect wildlife and fish dependant on riparian areas. Riparian setbacks can be a specific type of riparian ordinance.

Conservation Ordinance Links

Conservation Ordinance Bibliography