Prevention of Riparian Fragmentation

What is it?

Riparian and habitat fragmentation is "the disontinuity, resulting from a given set of mechanisms, in the spatial distribution of resources and conditions present in an area at a given scale that affects occupancy, reproduction, or survival in a particular species" (Franklin et al. 2002).

Impacts of riparian habitat fragmentation can include decreased species diversity, disrupted wildlife and bird migration, disrupted wildlife and bird reproduction and rearing, limited food sources, and decreased woody debris input to streams for fish habitat.

Riparian habitiats can be fragmented from

  • Construction of roads
  • Construction for developments (includes clearing private and public property to create stream views)
  • Clearing habitat for agricultural development
  • Unmanaged grazing
  • Reservoir construction
  • Removing trees and vegetation for forestry operations

Conservation Benefits of maintaining continuous riparian habitats:

  • Provides migratory bird habitat
  • Provides breeding and nesting sites
  • Important areas for wildlife dispersal
  • Areas of increased species diversity
  • Provides food sources for terrestrial and aquatic organisms
  • Provides fish and wildlife habitat
  • Natural flood control
  • Prevents streambank erosion
  • Reduces amount of pollutants and sediment entering streams
  • Protects asethetically pleasing areas
  • Promotes good land stewardship
  • Provides recreational and ecotourism opportunities

What does it include?

There are many BMPs that can be implemented to prevent or restore fragmented riparian habitats. Click on a specific BMP below

Prevention of Riparian Fragmentation Links

Importance of Riparian Habitat Bibliography