Forestry Best Management Practices

Site Planning

  1. Site planning

Road Construction and Maintenance

  1. Road location and construction
  2. Road drainage and maintenance
  3. Culvert design
  4. Stream Crossings
  5. Soil Aeration

Erosion Control

  1. Brush or vegetation mats
  2. Brush layering
  3. Branch packing
  4. Check dams
  5. Coir fiber logs
  6. Culvert design
  7. Cuttings, transplants, and seeding
  8. Erosion control blanket and mulches
  9. Fascines, bundles, wattles
  10. Infiltration, filtration, retention, detention basins
  11. Live siltation
  12. Live slope grating
  13. Protection or revegetation of native species
  14. Protection of open stockpiles of soil and materials
  15. Sediment barriers (barriers, berms, fences, and wattles)
  16. Stream crossings


  1. Harvesting sites and strategies

Fire Management

  1. Prescribed fire, wildfire management, firelines

Chemical Management

  1. Planning, equipment maintenance, mixing, application, spills, and disposal of chemcials

Conservation and Restoration

  1. Revegetation with native species
  2. Removal of exotic species
  3. Riparian restoration
  4. Stream restoration

Protect Riparian Buffers

Forestry Bibliography

  • Broadmeadow and Nisbet. 2004. The effects of riparian forest managment on the freshwater environment: a literature review of best management practice. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 8: 286-305.
  • Burns. 1972. Some effects of logging and associated road crossing construction on Northern California streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 101: 1-17.
  • Campbell and Doeg. 1989. Impact of timber harvesting and production on streams: a review. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 40: 519-539.
  • Davies and Nelson. 1994. Relationships between riparian buffer widths and the effects of logging on stream habitat, invertebrate community composition and fish abundance. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Reserach 45: 1289-1305.
  • Jones et al. 2000. Effects of roads on hydrology, geomorphology, and distrubance patches in stream networks. Conservation Biology 14: 76-85.