Objective: Maintain and restore upland habitat

Important functions and benefits of healthy upland habitats:

  • Wildlife habitat
  • Migratory bird habitat
  • Breeding and nesting sites
  • Wildlife dispersal corridor
  • Area of increased species diversity
  • Food source for terrestrial and aquatic organisms
  • Bank stabilization and erosion control
  • Traps excessive sediments from runoff
  • Recreational and ecotourism opportunities

Upland BMPs

Planning and Managment

  1. Communication
  2. Conservation easement
  3. Conservation education
  4. Conservation development
  5. Develop or protect a riparian buffer zone
  6. Ordinances
  7. TPWD Landowner Incentive Program
  8. Watershed conservation plan

Protection of Upland Habitats

  1. Brush management
  2. Conservation easement
  3. Designate paths and access points
  4. Fencing riparian areas and managing livestock access
  5. Fire management
  6. Prevention of upland habitat fragmentation (preserving wildlife corridors)
  7. Protection or revegetation of native species
  8. Texas Invasives
  9. Aquatic Invasives
  10. Stopping Invasives
  11. TPWD Landowner Incentive Program

Revegetation and Erosion Control

  1. Brush or vegetation mats
  2. Brush management
  3. Check dams
  4. Coir fiber logs
  5. Cuttings, transplants, and seeding
  6. Erosion control blanket and mulches
  7. Fascines, bundles, wattles
  8. Fire management
  9. Grazing control in riparian areas
  10. Protection or revegetation of native species
  11. Sediment barriers (barriers, berms, fences, and wattles)
  12. TPWD Landowner Incentive Program

Surface and Ground Water Protection

  1. Alternatives to reservoir construction
  2. Constructed wetlands
  3. Infiltration, filtration, detention, and retention systems
  4. Irrigation management
  5. Manure management
  6. Proper application of chemicals
  7. Proper disposal and storage of chemicals
  8. Soil and water testing
  9. Stormwater management
  10. Water and sediment control basin
  11. Well plugging

Exotic Species

  1. Texas Invasives
  2. Aquatic Invasives
  3. Stopping Invasives

Agricultural ( see Agricultural BMPs for other farm and ranch BMPs )

  1. Alternate shade sources
  2. Alternate watering sources and supplemental feeding
  3. Composting
  4. Cuttings, transplants, and seeding
  5. Develop or protect a riparian buffer zone
  6. Fencing riparian areas and managing livestock access
  7. Grazing control in riparian areas
  8. Grazing systems
  9. Manure management
  10. Proper application of chemicals in upland areas
  11. Protection or revegetation of native species
  12. Water and sediment control basin

Construction and Development

  1. Conservation development
  2. Oil and gas exploration and development
  3. Sand and gravel mining
  4. Other construction BMPs

Upland Habitat Bibliography

  • Doyle. 1990. Use of riparian and upland habitats by small mammals. Journal of Mammology 71: 14-23.
  • Gibbs. 1993. Importance of small wetlands for the persistance of local populations of wetland-associated animals. Wetlands 13: 25-31.
  • Gibbs. 2000. Wetland loss and biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology 14: 314-317.
  • Roe et al. 2003. Wetland and upland use patterns in semi-aquatic snakes: implications for wetland conservation. Wetlands 23: 1003-1014.
  • Trenham and Shaffer. 2005. Amphibian upland habitat use and its consequence for population viability. Ecological Applications 15: 1158-1168.