Urban Best Management Practices
Prevention and Management
- Communication
- Conservation education
- Conservation ordinances
- Conservation development
- Develop a Watershed Conservation Plan
Surface Water Protection (Streams and wetlands)
- Alternatives to reservoir construction
- Constructed wetlands
- Infiltration, filtration, detention, and retention systems
- Proper application of chemicals
- Proper disposal and storage of chemicals
- Riparian buffers
- Riparian setbacks
- Stormwater management
Groundwater Protection
- Infiltration, filtration, detention, and retention systems
- Proper application of chemicals
- Proper disposal and storage of chemicals
- Well plugging
- Stormwater management
Aquatic Habitat Protection and Restoration
- Alternatives to reservoir construction
- Constructed wetlands
- Instream habitat restoration
- Limit construction in floodplains through ordinances , riparian buffer zones , riparian setbacks , or conservation development
- Prevent habitat fragmentation
- Protect and/or restore urban streams to natural state
- Texas Invasives
- Aquatic Invasives
- Stopping Invasives
Revegetation and Erosion Control
- Bank toe protection and revetments
- Brush or vegetation mats
- Brush layering
- Branch packing
- Coir fiber logs
- Constructed wetlands
- Cuttings, transplants, and seeding
- Erosion control blanket and mulches
- Fascines, bundles, wattles
- Infiltration, filtration, detention, and retention systems
- Live siltation
- Live slope grating
- Protection or revegetation of native species
- Rainwater harvesting
- Riparian buffers
- Rootwad composites
- Sediment barriers (barriers, berms, fences, and wattles)
- Vegetated cribbing
Upland Habitat Protection
- Conservation development
- Conservation easement
- Ordinances
- Prevent habitat fragmentation
- Proper application of chemicals
- Proper disposal and storage of chemicals
- Protection or revegetation of native species
- Texas Invasives
- Aquatic Invasives
- Stopping Invasives
Residential and Commercial
- Communication
- Conservation development
- Conservation education
- Constructed wetlands
- Infiltration, filtration, detention, and retention systems
- Irrigation management
- Low flow fixtures
- Ordinances
- Pet waste disposal
- Proper application of chemicals
- Proper disposal and storage of chemicals
- Protection or revegetation of native species
- Rainwater harvesting
- Using native vegetation for landscaping
- Riparian buffers
- Well plugging
- Constructed wetlands
- Denitrification (and other nutrient) systems
- Inspect, update, maintain septic systems
- Monitor water quality for septic discharges and failing septic systems
- Stormwater management
- Phosphorus detergent restrictions
- Update and maintain wastewater treatment systems and facilities